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Tips On Getting Your Ex-Girlfriend Back - 4 Potent Ways For Winning Back An Ex Lover

Being jealous will get you nowhere with your ex-girlfriend

There is nothing women hate more than a boyfriend who is jealous ( what to do to get my ex gf back ). When you are jealous you are showing that you have a lot of fear and anxiety. Also you are indicating to your ex-lover that you want to control her. Your ex-girlfriend does not want to be controlled by your unchecked emotions. Start by identifying what situations make you feel jealous and how you usually respond. Jealousy is usually a by-product of insecurity and low self-worth. Feelings of abandonment and rejection can fuel insecure feelings and jealousy. Realize that you are good enough and even when you mess up it is just a chance to learn something new. Do not compare yourself to others or focus on your shortcomings. When you do notice that you are starting to feel jealous don’t respond in your normal way but try to do what a trusting person would do in your place.

You must tap into your inner alpha male if you want to win your ex GF back ( ways to make your old lover return ). Women are attracted the alpha male for a variety of biological reasons. In nature the alpha male is the male in a group of primates that has the highest rank. This behavior crosses over into our society but has developed a little bit more. Women believe the alpha male can provide for them and protect them the best. The alpha male role also encompasses being secure in yourself and not coming across as needy. By exuding these characteristics you project strength and she will not be able to resist your power. Your ex may not think she is the type that is attracted to alpha males so try some subtle changes and see. The minute that you start coming across as overly desperate will show that you are really a Beta male. Don’t show that desperation and she will not turn and run the other way. 

When your GF breaks up with you leave her alone for at least a month. Giving her space will be difficult for you to do but will be difficult for her too. This space will give let both your tempers cool down if things were heated when you broke up. By leaving her alone she will have time to think and remember the good times you two had.  You will also show her how independent you are on your own. You should also not hound her friends and family for help and advice. If you call her friends repeatedly she will become embarrassed and even angry and ruin any future you might have had.   You must allow a time frame where your ex-girlfriend can feel the absence of you in her life. This does not mean that you should be distant or ignore her if she contacts you. You were both individuals when you met each other and you by allowing her space it will show that you really care.

Spruce up your wardrobe if you want your girlfriend back

In order to re-attract your ex GF you may need to change up your style ( tips on getting your ex-girlfriend back ). Besides walking with confidence you only need to change a few simple things about your appearance. After a breakup it is often difficult to try and look nice because if you are sad all you want to do is spend time lying around the house. If you just suffered from a breakup now is the time to change up your wardrobe. It may be a subtle change but it will show that these new things you are learning are translating outwardly as well. It is especially important that you spruce up your wardrobe if it consists of the same clothes since high school. It is important that you don´t spend all your money trying to change your wardrobe. All you need is a subtle change of a few items of clothes to look more professional and grown up. If you need help just take a look in a men´s fashion magazine or use the style of a movie star that she loves. When your ex sees you looking great in unfamliar clothes she will sense that there´s been forward movement on your part.